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Linden-Museum Stuttgart (Germany)


An invitation to dialogue - without judgement - but with pleasure and humour: In this piece, we playfully show how to deal with various body images. Four dancers from different dance styles - from urban dance to contemporary dance - enter into dialogue with each other. They approach each other, “battle”, touch or exclude each other. 


A dance performance for ages 14 and up.


Choreography: Johannes Blattner

Dance, Co-Creation: Kevin Albancando Tuntaquimba, Martina Gunkel, Selina Koch, Nam Nguyen

Dramaturgy: Nina Kurzeja

Project Management: BLOMST! gUG

Project Assistants: Sophie Gisbertz, Pilar Murube

Set, Costumes: Marie Freihofer

Light: Doris Schopf

Voice-over: Lasse Lehman

Mediation Workshops: Luis Hergón, Carmen Scarano

Music: Alvo Noto, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Roderik Vanderstraeten et al.

Sound Editing: Roderik Vanderstraeten

Video, Trailer: Alexander Schmidt

Photos: Daniela Wolf

“HERZrasen” is a ©BLOMST! production, funded by: City of Stuttgart and the Landesverband Freier Tanz- und Theaterschaffende BW e.V., with funds from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts. With the kind support of the Produktionszentrum Tanz- und Performance e.V. and Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart gUG.



2022, 2024

Adelsheim Juvenile Prison, Wilhelma Theater Stuttgart (Germany)


The award-winning social music project "Himmel über Adelsheim" is entering its second round - with a new cast of young people. Together with the SKOhr-Labor team, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra (SKO) musicians and other coaches, young men from Adelsheim prison are developing a stage play with classical singing and rapping. In this artistic process, all participants meet as equal partners on an equal footing.


Himmel über Adelsheim - A Beethoven RAPsody aus der JVA (2022)

Himmel über Adelsheim Vol. 2 - Rap, Schubert und Smetana (2024)

Artistic Team, in both editions:

Vocals, Rap, Lyrics, Performance: young inmates from Adelsheim prison (JVA Adelsheim)

Musical Direction, Conducting: Viktoriia Vitrenko

Direction, Staging, Dramaturgy: Nina Kurzeja

JVA Workshops Rap, Human Beatbox: Pheel (Philip Scheibel)
JVA Rap Workshops: Danny Fresh (Daniel Ohler)

Rhodes Piano, Synthesiser: Sebastian Schuster
Dance: Sophie Gisbertz

Set, Stage, Costumes: Marie Freihofer

Light Design, Technical Direction: Alexander Joseph

Video, Visuals: Alexander Schmidt
Sound Engineering: Nicolas Fritz
Project Management: Katharina Gerhard

With the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra

With Employees of JVA Adelsheim


In 2022:

Rap: Afrob

Choir: Vocal Ensemble Vocalissimo of Musikschule Möckmühl

Dance: Johannes Blattner

Light Design: Doris Schopf

Sound Engineering: Lukas Fuchs

Film: Thiemo Hehl


In 2024:

Bedrich Smetana Direction: Susanne von Gutzeit
Project Management Assistant: Sophie Gisbertz

The Crow: Martina Gunkel

Music Arrangements (Rap): Sebastian Schuster

Music Arrangements (Schubert): Ui-Kyung Lee
Sound Engineering: Matthias Schneider-Hollek

Photos: Oliver Röckle

Himmel über Adelsheim
 Stuttgarter Kammerorchester

“Himmel über Adelsheim” was awarded the ‘The Power of the Arts’ prize by Philip Morris GmbH in 2020. Other sponsors are: Albrecht Auwärter Foundation, Gaby and Jürgen Kiehne, Louis Leitz Foundation, Robert Breuning Foundation, Karin Stellwaag, Vector Foundation, Winfried Böhler Foundation


Historic Water Reservoir Stuttgart-East (Germany)


Future, past and present and everything in between. Intersections, encounters between people and moments that need to be preserved.


The piece questions our social behaviour in times like these, in which we strive for human freedom and seek new ways of living and togetherness, while at the same time preserving our individuality and togetherness. Is the goal the path? Or can we allow ourselves to freely look around, choose and express our true, honest feelings and what we really think without fear of the outcome?


Counter Balance is a unique collaboration between dancers from Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance and musicians from Stuttgart's independent music scene. Choreographer Lior Lev, conductor Viktoriia Vitrenko and composer Daniel Alcheh are creating an inspiring piece for the public space as part of the 20th anniversary of Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance.

Artistic Direction, Choreography: Lior Lev

Musical Direction, Vocals: Viktoriia Vitrenko

Composition: Daniel Alcheh

Percussion: Lucas Gerin

Production Management: Sophie Gisbertz

Choreographic Assistants: Sophie Gisbertz, Martina Gunkel

Dance: Sophie Gisbertz, Lilly Bendl, Angélica Duarte Topfstedt, Martina Gunkel, Lisa Kistenmacher, Elena Morena Weber, Luciana Mugei, Petra Stransky, Marleen Streicher, Daniela Wörner, Katrin Zimmermann

Costume Design: Laura Yoro

Video: Chris Bühler

Photos: Yakup Zeyrek

The PZ anniversary production is made possible by Tanzpakt Stuttgart, supported by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Wüstenrot Foundation, Baden-Württemberg Foundation and the City of Stuttgart. The event is part of the INTERVENTIONEN series in cooperation with the Freie tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart (FTTS).

Counter Balance

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Historic Water Reservoir Stuttgart-East (Germany)


Future, past and present and everything in between. Intersections, encounters between people and moments that need to be preserved.


The piece questions our social behaviour in times like these, in which we strive for human freedom and seek new ways of living and togetherness, while at the same time preserving our individuality and togetherness. Is the goal the path? Or can we allow ourselves to freely look around, choose and express our true, honest feelings and what we really think without fear of the outcome?


Counter Balance is a unique collaboration between dancers from Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance and musicians from Stuttgart's independent music scene. Choreographer Lior Lev, conductor Viktoriia Vitrenko and composer Daniel Alcheh are creating an inspiring piece for the public space as part of the 20th anniversary of Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance.

Artistic Direction, Choreography: Lior Lev

Musical Direction, Vocals: Viktoriia Vitrenko

Composition: Daniel Alcheh

Percussion: Lucas Gerin

Production Management: Sophie Gisbertz

Choreographic Assistants: Sophie Gisbertz, Martina Gunkel

Dance: Sophie Gisbertz, Lilly Bendl, Angélica Duarte Topfstedt, Martina Gunkel, Lisa Kistenmacher, Elena Morena Weber, Luciana Mugei, Petra Stransky, Marleen Streicher, Daniela Wörner, Katrin Zimmermann

Costume Design: Laura Yoro

Video: Chris Bühler

Photos: Yakup Zeyrek

Counter Balance

“Himmel über Adelsheim” was awarded the ‘The Power of the Arts’ prize by Philip Morris GmbH in 2020. Other sponsors are: Albrecht Auwärter Foundation, Gaby and Jürgen Kiehne, Louis Leitz Foundation, Robert Breuning Foundation, Karin Stellwaag, Vector Foundation, Winfried Böhler Foundation

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